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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...GeneralGeneralCompilation of the WebAdmin.dllCompilation of the WebAdmin.dll
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6/12/2011 2:33 AM

Hi, guys.

My great thanks for making the projects available.  I have been using it for 2 weeks for MS WF projects and love it. I use survey-1.2.3.-alpha version and have problems with the way how you organize the source for WebAdmin.dll. The rest of the DLLs I run from own projects, was able to make necessary changes and reference them to site that runs my pages that renders the SurveyBox.

However when I was trying to make some changes to admin pages then I realized that the code run from DLL but not with in-place compilation. Dose the context of the NSurveyAdmin folder need to be run as own DLL project? In the way how code organized now I do not see a way to run the NSurveyAdmin with debugger or to rebuild the WebAdmin.dll. How can I rebuild the WebAdmin.dll? There are a number of DTC in the NSurveyAdmin that use WebAdmin.dll and the code from NSurveyAdmin does not get built before the entire project. If I drop you WebAdmin.dll and try to bulb my own then footer, header and SurveyListControl can’t not load own types as the types are in WebAdmin.dll. What I am missing in here?

Rgs, Romy


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6/19/2011 3:46 PM

Hello Romy,

Thanks and it's nice to hear you're making good use of the Survey tool. Concerning your question:

- it is advised to download the latest v.1.2.3. source code available (Changeset 66951 - TAG Survey 1.2.3)
- also please check the technical documents at the codeplex site on the solutions structure;
- there are instructions on how to install the source code for further development;

The Survey (WAP ) solution is based on 8 different projects; 7 inside the Reflector directory; 1 in the SurveyWAP dir; each project creates it's own dll; the actual website is inside the Surveywap directory.

I hope this gives you enough information to get going again.


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6/20/2011 4:07 PM

Yes, that you. I have everything and I do understand the structure of the project.

I think that problems derive from the fact that you tend to use SharpDevelop IDE but I use VS2010. The SharpDevelop does offer an option to rebuild WebAdmin.dll  as WebAdmin project from the perspective of SharpDevelop is in a regular DLL. VS2010 treat WebAdmin as a web site and therefore it can’t compile DLLs. So, to rectify the problem I need to make modification in NSurveyAdmin folder using SharpDevelop tool and build my WebAdmin.dll from there. Then I need to reference it in my Workflow project and add to it .aspx pages only. I think it is a bit uncomfortable. I would rather prefer do not have WebAdmin.dll   at all but to run the code from NSurveyAdmin directory from .cs files “behind”. This gives an option of continuing debugging from SurveyBox, to the survey mid tier, across my WF logic and to the admin tool. For instance if I would like to have an additional type of questions with my own custom properties, or to extend the properties of SurveyBox and make them admin-configurable, or to have admin tool configurable for use by Survey Administrators and by Survey Developers then need to make modifications in NSurveyAdmin and it is not comfortable to do it with SharpDevelop tool. I do not mind to use SharpDevelop tool the whole project but a large part of my project is WF logic, CRM integration and WF front end administration but SharpDevelop has very little use for web applications.
I know that you use SharpDevelop but I wonder how you would configure the WebAdmin if you use only VS2010 IDE?
Rgs, Romy
PS: Again, a great Thank for the opportunities you offer with your Survey.  I like the way how you conceptualized the entire “questions” idea, I like how you write the code, I like the flexibility the architecture of your surveying engine offers.
HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...GeneralGeneralCompilation of the WebAdmin.dllCompilation of the WebAdmin.dll