Survey Forums

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...GeneralGeneralNew Survey™ 1.2.3 releaseNew Survey™ 1.2.3 release
New Post
5/13/2011 12:23 AM

We're happy to announce Survey™ version 1.2.3 has been published for download at 

New Features & fixes

Technical upgrades:

upgrade to .NET 4.*
upgrade to C# 4.*
upgraded to Web Application Project (WAP) and added Wap.Master page to solution
Freetextbox upgrade to 3.3.1.

Technical changes:

- New (missing) stored procedure added: vts_spFileUnValidatedGetAll
- Mailingpollstatus.aspx removed and added to Mailingpoll.aspx / cs

Features & Bugfixes:

- Freetextbox imagegallery option added
- Fixed mailing issue: server url chopped because of Freetextbox setting
- Added RegEx to mailmessage code to clean html-code from textfile version of mails
- Wrong Url & Port in mailing corrected
- New layout and CSS changes (preparation for new features like treeviewlist and new menustructure)
- Logout url changed to default.aspx

Note: Survey™ 1.2.3 will only work if you have the .NET 4.* Framework installed

Before installation or upgrades read the instructions carefully (ReadMe.txt file). Any questions can be asked through these Forums. Any feedback, tips and advise is most welcome also.

New Post
5/20/2011 11:33 PM

For your information: Survey™ version 1.2.3 source files have been added to the Codeplex repository at . You can download them there.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...GeneralGeneralNew Survey™ 1.2.3 releaseNew Survey™ 1.2.3 release