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HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Survey result data export to CSV not in correct orderSurvey result data export to CSV not in correct order
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4/25/2018 7:21 AM
I'm not sure if anyone else is facing this issue, when I export the data to CSV, some of the column order in excel does not follow survey questions and answers order.

I've tried using Question and Question ID Header Field but to no avail.

I ended up having to rearrange the excel column manually to put it back in the correct question and and answers order.

Am I doing something wrong?

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this issue.

New Post
4/25/2018 1:44 PM

Thank you for reporting this. To replicate the situation it would help if you can send the survey xml file (survey settings/ export xml) to

If there's a confirmed error/ issue it can be registered at : 

The error/ fix will then be picked up in one of the next releases.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Survey result data export to CSV not in correct orderSurvey result data export to CSV not in correct order