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New Post
12/2/2016 12:59 PM




I see in the examples the Click Through Survey - where I can see how to set that one a answer was done to jump to the next question?

New Post
12/5/2016 4:42 PM


This is no default SP option. It is a customization to SP.

The solution as described below is available through the SP Business Services site at:

- Once you register to the site you will have access to the webshop menu: Products – Shop.
- The “Radio Button – Click Through Survey” can be ordered there and paid through PayPal (PP account or creditcard).
- The original price (156 Euro) it converted to  dollars: 170.55 
- Once the payment is received and confirmed to us the files will become available for download from the webshop.

If you decide to order and run into any issues please let me know. Also if you have any questions on how to implement/ use the solution you can use this email address.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Click Through SurveyClick Through Survey