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New Post
8/3/2010 11:29 PM

Question on behalf of cthue1


I was wondering if I could have a question where the user is required to watch a movie (silverlight) and then answer questions about the movie. The silverlight player would need to be in the same page as the question/answer form elements. Any help or suggestions appreciated.



Yes that is possible. To give you an idea of how this would work please go to the Survey demo site at: (or click the demo menu link of this site).

Once logged in you can try the demo survey on and see the first question where there is a Youtube video added to the Question through the html/text editor (choos html tab and past any code into the box, next save the question). In the same way you can also add the code for any flash or silverlight movies.

Hope this will work for you.


New Post
8/4/2010 10:13 PM

Thanks for the prompt and helpful response, I believe it will work.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Custom answer with a flash or silverlight viewer  Custom answer with a flash or silverlight viewer