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New Post
11/28/2017 9:39 AM
Hello Team

Problem 1: I've found a problem if I take a survey and multiple clicks submit button, and it will cause duplicate POST.

Problem 2: If I've submitted the survey and press browser's previous button. And I re-edit the survey and submit, and it will cause duplicate POST.
How do I solve those two problems?

New Post
11/28/2017 11:13 AM

To avoid multiple submissions (in different scenarios) you can make use of the security addin features (menu/ security).

E.g. use the Form security  addins like 'cookie' or number limitation. Multiple submissions will not get saved to the database.
New Post
12/1/2017 10:04 AM
I've used the security addin features (menu/ security).

But cookie couldn't solve problem 1, number limitation only limit how many numbers of the voter can use.

Only " security context" and  "Survey security context" could solve multiple submissions problem.

About " security context". Did the "ContextUserName" could save custom authed value, and not the default login value?
New Post
12/1/2017 11:36 AM

You can register and submit issues and feature request at the SP Github site at:

Meanwhile the Multiple submit blocking has been added to the TODO list (possibly next release).

If you can please rephrase your final question or explain what you mean? It's not clear what is asked.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...Using Survey & ...Using Survey & ...Duplicate form submissionDuplicate form submission