The following question was raised:
Is there anyway through css or code where I can align the Question and Answer on the same line such as:
Question Answer
Rather than
For example this would be requried when asking for name , etc.
Answer and options:
a- yes you can create/add and edit a CSS file for any individual survey: menu Designer/ Layout
For a start you could copy the default surveymobile.css file (CSS directories) and upload it to the survey (Layout menu). Next start editing.
b. In case of making generic CSS changes that will apply to every survey manually edit the surveymobile.min.css file in the NSurveyAdmin\CSS directory
Based on the above example (name... etc.)
c- easier alternative would be to leave the question text empty and just add the answertext
Name: [field textbox]
Street: [field textbox] Etc.
Hope this provides the needed solution.