As reported on Github there is an issue with in SP 2.3 which causes the IP and Token filter not to work correctly:
The issue is solved in SP 2.4 To fix it in SP 2.3 use the following DB update query:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[vts_tbWebSecurityAddIn] ON
INSERT [dbo].[vts_tbWebSecurityAddIn] ([WebSecurityAddInId], [Description], [BuiltIn], [TypeNameSpace], [TypeAssembly], [TypeMode]) VALUES (8, N'Token Protection', 1, N'Votations.NSurvey.Security.TokenSecurityAddIn', N'Votations.NSurvey.WebControls', 0)
INSERT [dbo].[vts_tbWebSecurityAddIn] ([WebSecurityAddInId], [Description], [BuiltIn], [TypeNameSpace], [TypeAssembly], [TypeMode]) VALUES (9, N'IP Filter', 1, N'Votations.NSurvey.Security.IPRangeSecurityAddIn', N'Votations.NSurvey.WebControls', 0)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[vts_tbWebSecurityAddIn] OFF