EDITED: cause I realized I gave directions that would not work.
I think I may have solved it. I say "may" cause Im not near the server my survey project is on, mainly cause its that day of the week that the people at work send me off to home with the excuse of some tradition called "Week-End" and Im not allowed within 5Kms of the work place (anyone knows about that btw?). So all this is theoretical mostly.
We need to create a new answer type with the following JavaScript code (yes its not my code, Im merely using it, although I have customized it a bit.)
We need to add the following code in the body of the file that contains the 'aspnetForm':
/*Current date in form credit:
JavaScript Kit (www.javascriptkit.com)
Over 200+ free scripts here!
var cd=new Date();
var day=cd.getDay();
if (day<10){day="0"+day;}
var month=cd.getMonth()+1;
if (month<10){month="0"+month;}
var year=cd.getFullYear();
//////EDIT below three variable to customize the format of the date. Change the values appropriately to the date format of your choice (i.e. EU, US, etc...)/////
var displayfirst=day;
var displaysecond=month;
var displaythird=year;
Now the "tricky" part so to speak is the:
We change 'formname' into 'aspnetForm' (which is the actual name of the form generated by Survey Project).
'cdate' is the actual ID of the field corresponding to the answer.
After we create the answer type, we go the the question in question and add an answer which is of the type corresponding to the above, and in the ID field we put the appropriate value.
I think thats it. If anyone is willing and able to check it out until monday to see if it works as intended, I would be very grateful.