Survey Forums

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...New FeaturesNew FeaturesWant to be able to add dropdown list for matrix question type for rowsWant to be able to add dropdown list for matrix question type for rows
New Post
5/30/2016 8:42 PM

Current system does only allow basic titles for rows and column headers in matrix question type. I would like to be able to add dropdown selections for the rows headers. Is it possible to add this feature the survey project?

New Post
6/2/2016 2:22 PM


Features requests can be submitted through the GitHub site at:

Thank you for making the suggestion.

HomeHomeSurvey Project ...Survey Project ...New FeaturesNew FeaturesWant to be able to add dropdown list for matrix question type for rowsWant to be able to add dropdown list for matrix question type for rows